
Sie können Ihre APS-Geldüberweisungen von unserem unten aufgeführten Agentennetzwerk erhalten.

BRIKAMA-BACRRBrikama Ba AgentNear the old market7990506Mon- Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
KANIFING ESTATEKMCHijab Muslima Boutique Jimpex opposite NEA7938860Mon- Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
SERRE KUNDAKMCJAGANA KUNDA FINANCIAL SERVICESerre Kunda - near Brikama Garage7800610Mon-Sat: 8:30am - 6:30pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
JALANGBEREHLRRJalangbereh AgentOpposite the mosque7505642Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
AMDALIENBRAmdallai AgentNear the market3983651Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
JUFFUREH / ALBREDANBROSI CONNECTION Near the Police Station2146104 / 7976565Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pmSat: 2pm - 6pm
MBOLLET BANBRMbollet Ba AgentMbollet Ba7514580Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
SALIKENNINBRSalikenni AgentNear the small market7738311Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
BANTUNDING VILLAGEURRWally KundaNear the Bantaba7369510Mon - Sat: 8:30am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
DEMBA KUNDAURRDemba Kunda AgentNear Kanbankura Bantaba5053089Mon - Su: 8am -8pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
DINGIRIURRDingiri AgentOpposite the mosque3343042Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
FASS BAJONGURRFass Bajong AgentNear the village mosque3257474Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
GAMBISSARAURRGambissara AgentGambissara7738161Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
GARAWOLURRGarawol AgentNear the central mosque7010670Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
KULARIURRKulari AgentNear Kulari Bus Shop7825010Mon - Sun: 9:30am - 8pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
MISERABA MARIAMAURRMiseraba Mariama AgentOpp. Madrassa Abubacar in Kaira Kunda7776131Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
NUMUYELURRNumuyel AgentAt the market9824804Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
SABIURRSabi AgentInside the Lumo (village market)2255941Mon - Sat: 9am - 5pmSUNDAY CLOSED!
BRUFUTWCRBrufut AgentJimbo Junction before junction Baa7459407Mon-Sat: 8am - 5pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
BRUSUBI PHASE 2WCRBrusubi Phase 2 AgentAnna Marie Junction2164768Mon - Sat: 8am - 5pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
COASTAL ROADWCRJAGANA KUNDA FINANCIAL SERVICENema 5 Junction, Coatal Road7800610Mon - Sat: 8:30am - 6:30pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
GUNJURWCROSI CONNECTIONNear Gunjur Upper Basic School2200926 / 7976565Mon - Sun: 8am - 6:30pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
JAMBANJELLYWCRJambanjelly AgentNear Jambanjelly Central Mosque2442486Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
LAMIN KEREWANWCRSpace Multi-Services Adjacent to UDP Bureau3953659/ 7243660Mon - Sun: 9am - 10pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!
SANYANGWCRSanyang AgentNear NAWEC7259647Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 7:30pmSat: 9am -7pm, Sun: 9am -5pm
TANJIWCRTanji AgentNear Sankung's Pharmacy3833392Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 7:30pmSat: 9am -7pm, Sun: 9am -5pm
YUNDUMWCRJAGANA KUNDA FINANCIAL SERVICELast junction before Busumbala7800610Mon-Sat: 8:30am - 6:30pmSUNDAY: CLOSED!