
Stay Financially Safe

At APS, we take the security and confidentiality of your data seriously. We take the steps to know who is using our service. We want you to feel safe and secure when sending money with our online service.

Our compliance protocol, principles and procedures are in line regulatory and industry requirements as a minimum. APS adheres to practices and policies that meet both legal and ethical standards.

At APS Knowing our customers is an important part of our Anti Money Laundering (AML) process. This includes the identification and authentication of all our customers during the registration process. This is to ensure that our KYC procedures are strictly adhered in line with our regulatory requirements.



  • Never send money to a stranger using a money transfer service.
  • Beware of deals or opportunities that seem too good to be true, like rock bottom prices on expensive or hard-to-find merchandise.
  • Don’t use money transfer services to pay for things like online auction purchases.
  • Never send money to pay for taxes or fees on foreign lottery winnings.
  • You’re selling merchandise and receive a cheque for much more than your asking price, but are asked to send the extra amount back through money transfer.
  • You’re offered a low-cost loan but must pre-pay fees or the first few loan payments using money transfer services.
  • You get a call from someone claiming to be a police officer or a hospital employee asking for money for the bail or medical treatment of a loved one.
  • You respond to a job ad for a Mystery Shopper and as part of the job you receive a cheque and are asked to wire money back. Even though a bank makes funds available, it does not mean the cheque or money order will clear. It can take weeks for a counterfeit cheque or money order to be discovered, at which time the bank can deduct the amount that was originally deposited into your account.


  • Know the person you are sending money to.
  • Buy goods and services from known and trusted sources.
  • Avoid paying for online auction purchases through money transfer.
  • Use extra caution if buying or selling items to someone outside of your country, especially when buying popular, high-sterling, items.
  • Discontinue any transaction if someone coaches you on how to respond to questions asked by Approve Services. This is a sure sign of fraud
  • Remember: The Approve Services Money Transfer service is a great way to send money to people you know and trust.
    It isn’t intended to send money to someone you don’t know.

Sending money using a fictitious receiver name won’t protect you when doing business with a stranger.


As we are fully authorised and regulated, we are required by law to keep (on file) original or certified proof of identification and physical address details for all clients. For all transactions over £1,000 or transactions equalling £1000 in a given year supporting documentation for the transfer must be supplied.

This documentation is held on file at a secure location and no transaction details are ever disclosed to any third party.

We are authorized and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA); firm reference number 566523 and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom (HMRC) registration number 12480742. We are bound by Data Protection Act 1998/GDPR 2018 (Information commissioner’s office – ICO) registration number ZA15338.


Our privacy policy statement lays out the protection we offer to our valued customers on the disclosure of information we collect from them in the course of processing IMT’s. We are required by law to collect copies of identification from our customers wishing to do an international money transfer. We are also required to keep records of all transactions conducted. Subject to International Anti-Money Laundering regulation requirements, we will not disclose personal details to third parties unless specifically given permission to do so. In the process of completing money transfer transactions, information is only released to parties who are necessarily involved for the completion of the transfer. We are aware of the sensitivity of financial transactions and confidentiality is key to our service. However, we are required by law to report on any suspicious transactions of any size where we may suspect that the money is sourced or acquired through illegal activities. This is in compliance with Money Laundering regulations in the United Kingdom.


As a result of recent laws ratified by the UK Parliament and which came into effect on 15th December 2007, our company is now obliged to take and verify customer ID from any client who uses our services more than once. We emphasise that this law applies without exception to all Money Transfer companies based in the UK. We therefore require that, if you wish to utilise our services more than once, you must provide us your ID and proof of address. This can be your passport or driving licence together with a utility bill, bank or credit card statement (sent to you within the last 3 months) The information contained in these documents will remain confidential in our files; the documents will not be disclosed to any third party, as laid out in the Data Protection Act, 1998/GDPR 2018.

Money laundering is a very serious International offence and customers should note that any suspicious transactions will be reported to the appropriate authorities without further reference. Therefore, we ask you to ensure that you comply and supply all the required documentation.